15 November 2010


Here’s a few shots from my exhibiton last week-

‘When work feels Overwhelming, remember you are going to die..’
A group exhibition of 15 third year Fine Artists. (Nov 2010)

Talk about a hectic experience! Found it rather rewarding to work with others to put on a show in sucha short timescale.. good practice for my end of year show in June, got a measure of just how much there is to think about setting up an exhibition! Was good to test some things..

Year 3..

 ..is a whirlwind already! Battling my way through a to-do list longer than my arm..
But i'm loving it and for the first time in ages feel i'm on the right track.

So what i'm up to..well, time constraints forced me to re-think my whole practice.. so i've gone cameraless!
I am interested in mundane spaces and finding fresh ways of presenting them to an audience. I originally wanted to produces montages of these locations shot in various creative ways, with my homemade cameras, each distorted image drawing details from those it was displayed with to build up a new perspective. However, development of these tests would have taken too long.. I was advised to look at the ideas and questions that drove my work forward and 'answer' them in a new way, problem solving I guess!

It prompted me to think about the ambiance and impression of a space. A landscape doesnt neccesarily have to have a reconisable form, which links back to my previous shoots.

I decided to use the ordinary urban environment to create imagery. Working with ambiant light I worked what I found on location into the photographic paper, physically marking the light sensative emulsion. I then, in the darkroom, allowed these textures to control where the chemicals shifted and settles to photographically paint my landscapes. Ultimately giving the spaces used an abstract impresson. Direct landscapes. This involvement in the process is important to me, however there is a great element of anticipation and excitement when involving nature in this way..

Here's a selection of my favourite so far..