27 July 2010

Giving a Journey a Form

I enjoyed experimenting with light trails but felt they were too sterile. Ive set out to view the world in an alternative way and as this project as a whole is a Journey through photography I decided to test ways of giving physical journeys a form to help show this. I again used my lens distortion technique to keep a flow through my work. The circular form not only changes the appearance of the light trails we are used to but brings focus to the pieces. The circular shape itself portays a never ending path which is also quite inkeeping. Each photo in this series shows a particular stage of a journey I take very often in Bournemouth, when displayed as a set they show it as a whole.

EDIT.. the piece below shows how i'd display the set..

Developing my lens additions..

I wanted to expand on my Lens additions tests..

Alongside my degree I have been trying to build a name for myself as a photographer through various means of displaying my work online. I had been part of deviantART.com for a long time but had neglected the account so decided to get this up and running again with new work. Its a struggle to gain attention in a world where photography has become so accessible to the masses, what with the prices of DSLR's crashing on the highstreet. Being part of this art community again I realised there are certain themes and styles of photography that are desirable to so many and thus gain many views etc.

I personally feel this 'indie' photography lacks something, I think it is the excessive use of post processing I see on so many images to create what many see as the 'perfect' photograph. I cant help but crave for people to want to take the perfect shot with the camera in their hand, not rely on a computer to lie over an image. I decided I wanted to take these generic scenes that are loved by so many and shoot them using my lens distortions which in turn 'edits' the photo during the process of capturing it. Producing a unique aesthetic which breaks convention but could still be viewed as beautiful, enhancing the mundane..

This last shot is my personal favourite of this series..


It was at this point in my project I got back a third failed roll of film from inside a homemade camera.. This time my pinhole was a tad too big producing out of focus images..twas a shame as i'd bee far more experimental this time and thought about shoots that would accentuate the properties of pinhole..but alas the nature of pinhole and its unpredictablity had me this time!

I don't want to give up on film just yet but as i'm working to deadlines I think it needs to take a backseat for now.. (and its costing me precious cash!)

I'm going to look into buying pre drilled pinholes I recon..