12 March 2010

..and the Vogage Begins

Suddenly being put on the spot like this has made my head hurt a little..!

So Ive been meaning to do this for a while. Life has gone and erupted a little bit and various hicups mean its finally reached a small moment of calm- where the weather has once again scuppered my plans of being productive and forced me to retreat to the loft to watch the hail gather on the velux.

I'm sat here listening to Paolo, whos music takes me back to hazy summer days where things felt much safer..

I always need a place to unload my thoughts, its usually scraps of paper in the region of my bed, usually art related or the never ending to-do list. Being a student at an art university (AUCB) my mind is always ticking over projects and ideas and its something I feel I will benefit from sharing sometimes, so here I am, rambling for you..

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