14 September 2010

So where next?

My work has become very much about the processes associated with image making and viweing the surroundings. I was at a bit of a loose end at this point so decided to go back to the roots once again (as pinhole, the most stripped back form of photography, was my initial inspiration).
I liked the ideas of distrotion and an alternative way of looking that had crept into my work so decided to really play with the idea of the surreal but real..

With this I started to explore Camera Obscuras..
Ive always had the idea of 'Hidden Photo's' on the backburner..maybe I can elaborate on this by moving in this direction.

Inspired by Abelardo Morell's work in hotel rooms I decided to create an obscura room in my own personal space..

The physics of this blew my mind! The experience of viewing the world in this way is so surreal and dreamlike. I feel the images can't ever get this across to a viewer, they are just a record of the experience..portraying this to an audience might be my next step?

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